Monday, January 28, 2013

International Week 2013

Today begins a week of busyness at the University. It's I-Week and there is so much going on. This year the theme is: Conscious Culture: Finding Paths to a Better World. There are over 70 free events, some which even include childcare, happening every day this week. I'm pretty excited about the sessions I've picked so far. There are tonnes more I'd like to attend, but we'll see how that goes - while also trying to stay on top of school work. 

Some of the speakers include, Dr. Gabor Maté, speaking about Toxic Culture - issues about health, that should be great. Raj Patel, talking about food security (there's even a free reception with local sustainably grown food!), and Sheryl WuDunn (author of Half the Sky) talking about women in Development. There are loads of other presenters, a drama presentation, dance, music... you  name it.
If you're in Edmonton you should try to make an effort to come out.

Hope to see you here!

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